
In the School

The School Board

The School Board is the highest representation of the School, it’s in charge of ensuring the proper functioning of the school. It is made up of 100 members representing all sectors: PDI (Teachers and researchers), PAS (Administration staff), and EGM (Students). The students have 23 elected representatives plus the Students Delegate, which gives a decision power of almost 25%.

The functions of the School Board are:

  • Approval and proposals of new degrees
  • Approval of new curriculums
  • Approval of academic and evaluation regulations
  • Approval of the teaching staff
  • Approval of the School’s annual budget


That is why we encourage all those students, who are interested, in these and many other activities, to participate in the representation of students and to get in touch with DAEC.

Besides from the School Board, there is the Permanent Commission, a smaller body conformed of 31 people (of which 7 are students), given the difficulty of bringing 100 people together, this commission is in charge of more urgent matters.


University cloister

The University cloister of the UPC is the body analogous to the College Board at university level. It consists of 303 members representing all sectors. Of these, 67 are students, of which 4 correspond to the School of Paths.

From this body is derived the Governing Council, a body made up of a smaller group of people capable of making the most urgent decisions.

Student Council

The Student Council (CdE) is the body representing the interests of the student at the level of the entire UPC. More colloquially, it could be said to be the UPC Student Delegation. All students from all the centers and degrees of the UPC have an interest in defending students’ interests beyond their center.

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